Friday, November 12, 2010

Tshirt Creativity is AWESOME!

Jesse came up to see John and I for an overnight visit and it is always super to see him when he has a chance to drop by.
He helps us with tasks that need some muscle and we appreciate that, like lifting things that are heavy and helping John with maintanence projects that involve tools n such. :-)
It's also nice when he can take us out for a drive. Jess and I managed a country roadside drive yesterday that was made even better by sunshine and warm temps. But we forgot to take a camera this time. Nothing exciting to photograph really other than a nuthatch that wouldn't get off the road on one quiet street we went down.
Jesse didn't hit nor squish the lil critter, thankfully.
One really awesome thing Jesse got to do yesterday that I don't think he's done in ages, is get creative and make something.
He took an image of Usher, and drew it onto a tshirt for himself with fabric paints.

It really turned out awesome!

Excellent detail. Right down to the tiny little words, "DJ's got us falling in Love again"

Sarah has done some really awesome SilkScreened Tshirts. Like this "Helping Haiti" Tshirt.

Sarah makes the screen herself and works the design into it.

Then she adds it onto tshirts like this one.
It is available in her online store , but her store is in Vacation Mode right now while she is busy with College studies.

This is one of the tshirts I designed. I tried quite a few different designs with Tshirt transfers. This one is made up from Sarah's handmade wish stars she makes out of origami paper. I used them as a photograph for this Wish Tshirt.

My very first design I tried to fabric paint onto a tshirt. I made this one and a blue "MEH" lettered grey tshirt. I wanted to create a tshirt for Jesse with this saying he uses often to describe how things are going. "MEH"
Jesse liked the blue letters on grey and I am now keeping this green one. I made these tshirts a few months ago.

Creativity Rocks!

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