Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Spiders, Bugs and Snakes .... oh my!

Since my last few blogs have been about critters like spiders and bugs, I thought I'd keep along the same track and throw in some snakes for all those of you who enjoy them so much. Right Jesse! :-)

John is definitely not a big fan of snakes but he did really well standing and listening to the keeper of the snakes tell us all about the various types that had been brought to the display at the fair.

 An albino snake.

 John standing a good distance from the snake out of the cage.

 I'm not bothered by snakes and maybe I should be.  This snake kept getting around the back of this guy and I moved towards it to bring it back around to the front and he said it wasn't a good idea for me to be so near to it's head. Hmmm...... I need to be a bit more afraid of these snakes obviously for my own good. lol

Nice Snakes huh Jesse?

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