Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bella And Bell Peppers

~*~ Saturday Morning Farmer's Market Adventures ~*~
 John and I met some really nice people at our local Farmer's Market.
 Chrissy & Frank are vendors at the Farmer's Market. Chrissy makes and sells her beautiful genuine gemstone jewelry. Here is a photo of her craft stand with herself, Frank and John.
 When we met Chrissy and Frank, they had a beautiful companion that attended each of the market days with them. Their very best friend and family member, thier dog Daniel. Daniel was quite an elderly fellow and one day we went to see Chrissy and Frank and Danny wasn't with them. I cried when I found out that Danny had passed away. However, I also knew immediately that Chrissy and Frank wouldn't be very long getting themselves a new companion.
~*~*~  It was such a pleasure to meet Bella! What a sweetheart! ~*~*~
 Everyone instantly wants to see Bella upclose and give love to this little cutie!
 Chrissy and Frank have thier hands full with little Bella, but their hearts are once again full of love for thier new companion and they are sure that Danny is looking down from doggie heaven with approval. :-)
 Bella is always busy! Toys, food, water, walk, poop, play, bark, and repeat!
While we were at the market the last time, we jointly purchased a huge basket of peppers with Chrissy and Frank.
 Here is John busy at the task of getting the peppers washed, cut up and ready for the chopper machine to dice them up for the freezer.
 Notice the cocktail already poured beside him to make the task easier. lol
 Beautiful Peppers!
 High concentration level necessary to get these peppers ready.
 Awesome colors!
 All diced up and onto the cookie sheets to quick freeze them all.
 More and more into the chopper. Lots of peppers!
 Looks like John is napping cause there is so much to do. lol
 Trays and trays full of diced peppers!
Quite a few bags ready for the freezer. This was a really nice way to have peppers ready whenever we want them for cooking.


1 comment:

  1. OH Paula, this is amazing, I loved it, and thank you so much for telling our story.
    You told of our dogs perfectly and know how we feel about them.
    Bella has received a diploma for her first set of lessons on being polite and gentle, hehehehe, only in class.
    I love the Pepper incidents also, very cute, and yes we got quite a few peppers when we bought that way, I have a few bags myself.
    When will we get to see you guys now, I miss you, but we missed the last four markets because Frank has not been feeling all that great, lots of pain in his arms, shoulders and neck, and also now his knees, I swear it is Rhumatoid arthritis.
    Anyway, apart from being busy here, especially with Bella, I haven't any time to make my jewelry now, so we are thinking of setting a room or porch apart so I can do this without disturbances or "thefts" from Bella.
    Hey I do hope you guys are feeling good, and John is still making a fine recovery, I believe the last time we saw you he was so much better.
    Thanks for the veggies you gave us, I appreciated that and never got the chance to tell you.
    I have to go as Frank is complaining about me being on here, but wait till he sees this you have done for us, what a lovely gift, thanks so much Paula for your time, effort and love this conveys.
    We WILL see you soon.

    Love Chrissy
