Friday, November 5, 2010


Bill & John discussing where to park the beast.

 Bill's RV all snugged into the driveway and the slide-outs extended. John and Alexis watching the show as the slide-outs move.

 John, Bill, Sarah, & I enjoyed huge (and I mean HUGE) shrimps that Bill brought with him. He put one entire pound of butter melted over the shrimp, and kept them marinated the entire time as we plucked them from the bowl with our fingers. It took Bill over an hour to peel the shrimps and get them cooked.  It was the BEST meal of shrimp I think we have ever had.
Bill getting ready to leave our house and head towards P.E.I.
 Alexis trying out Bill's homemade electric lift he built into the RV.
 Justyce trying out Bill's electric lift.

 John & Bill putting the stabilizers all the way down to see if it'd straighten the lift which started grinding like it was tilting one way too much. The stabilizers did help to straighten the lift.
 Bill Underway.

We watched Bill's bus disappear right out onto the highway. As far as we could see until he was out of sight.

We had a fabulous visit with Bill.

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