Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Finally A Cat Bed For Tiki


Keebee has a queen size basket lined with lambs wool.
 Henry B Cat has his "boy bunk"

  Henry B''s bed is made out of a couch cushion that has had the foam inside it hollowed out by Sarah and is just perfect for him.

It's the same bed we used in the RV when we were travelling.
Henry B's cat bed was positioned between the 2 front seats in the coach.
He'd be in there  or  up on the front dash sprawled out.

This window seat is Tiki's only place that is truly "her's", other than downstairs in Sarah's room.  But it's not a real comfy place for her to snuggle up to sleep, though she does sleep up there sometimes.

So it was definitely time to get Tiki her very own bed.
 I got out the sewing machine and though I am not a person who likes to sew, I can make things on occassion if I want to badly enough.

I really don't understand the new sewing machine I got as a birthday gift from my kids a few years ago, but with a bit of tenacity and a little cussing, I can usually make the darn thing do somewhat what I want it to.

It's the first time it performed not too badly for me and I felt like I was happy that they had bought it for me after all.
Thank You Jesse and Sarah!!!
Tiki thanks you too! >^..^<

 The ties on the corners of the new Tiki cat bed say, " Pampered Pet". Now how fitting is that!
As soon as I put the cat bed down it was a big hit!
Tiker's crawled into it and started doing her claws in the one corner, kneading into the soft faux fur.

 It's a reversible design. So I tried it the other way up to see what she thought of that side.

 She thought it was Devine!
Just Purrrfect!

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